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We are Next Movement Church

And you are SO welcome here.

" And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 

- Romans 8:28

What Do We Teach?

At Next Movement Church, we dive in deep. We dissect. We talk. We explore. We break things down. We discover. 



We don’t just read the bible. We dive in deep. We ask the hard questions, and we don’t take things at face value. We are BIG learners and educators. We love lectures, learning units, and series. We also love questions. We are an open and safe community for you to express and engage with. 



We come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and belief systems. At Next Movement Church, we are a community of diversity. We celebrate our differences and work together to walk through the word. We are a digital support system.



C.S. Lewis Wisley says, “You do not have a soul. You are soul.” So, you may be hitting the gym and eating right, but what have you done for your soul lately? At the Next Movement Church, we give you the tools to take care of your soul. We strive to support you in feeling energized, enriched, loved, and supported. 



Are you ready to lead? Let’s take action. We don’t just become the change we want to see globally. We take the responsibility to CREATE the change. 

Kind words from our  church family 

"Next Movement Church is an international ministry that has changed my life. The pastors love the Lord and work together to provide the congregation with the care and knowledge necessary to experience a personal relationship with God. 


Pastor Georgia digs deep into the scriptures. She expands our knowledge of "The Word" by referencing the Greek and Hebrew interpretations. We review the origin and history surrounding the scriptures, which gives you a new perspective on the bible.


Next Movement Church uses an interactive approach to education. This method stimulates your mind, prompting you to study and grow. I always leave service knowing more than I did when I came. 


I look forward to Sundays and invite you to join us."

-Monica S

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